Winter Grove
"Winter Grove" brings the enchantment of a snowy forest to life. Within the tranquil grove of slender aspen trees, the focal point is a magnificent red fox. Its russet fur contrasts strikingly against the pristine snow that blankets the forest floor. The fox, with an air of mystery, pauses amid the silent grove, surrounded by the white expanse of winter. The aspen trees, with their slender trunks and delicate branches, create an intricate backdrop that adds to the overall sense of serenity and wonder. "Winter Grove" captures the essence of the wild and the magic of winter in one mesmerizing image.
The piece measures 8.5(l)x5.5(w) on cold-pressed water color paper. Mixed media, 2023.
"Winter Grove" brings the enchantment of a snowy forest to life. Within the tranquil grove of slender aspen trees, the focal point is a magnificent red fox. Its russet fur contrasts strikingly against the pristine snow that blankets the forest floor. The fox, with an air of mystery, pauses amid the silent grove, surrounded by the white expanse of winter. The aspen trees, with their slender trunks and delicate branches, create an intricate backdrop that adds to the overall sense of serenity and wonder. "Winter Grove" captures the essence of the wild and the magic of winter in one mesmerizing image.
The piece measures 8.5(l)x5.5(w) on cold-pressed water color paper. Mixed media, 2023.
"Winter Grove" brings the enchantment of a snowy forest to life. Within the tranquil grove of slender aspen trees, the focal point is a magnificent red fox. Its russet fur contrasts strikingly against the pristine snow that blankets the forest floor. The fox, with an air of mystery, pauses amid the silent grove, surrounded by the white expanse of winter. The aspen trees, with their slender trunks and delicate branches, create an intricate backdrop that adds to the overall sense of serenity and wonder. "Winter Grove" captures the essence of the wild and the magic of winter in one mesmerizing image.
The piece measures 8.5(l)x5.5(w) on cold-pressed water color paper. Mixed media, 2023.